招生动态 - 招生动态 - 上海交大上海高级金融学院
On the afternoon of 23rd April, many SAIF MBA applicants including overseas candidates joined an online dialogue with SAIF international alumni, as well as a Finance MBA program info-session. Moderated by Dorothy Huang, admission staff of SAIF Finance MBA, the event featured an inspiring conversation with Mr. Nick Laursen, Managing Partner at LvS Partners and Mr. Matthias Keschka, Associate Director at Fosun Capital. Both SAIF international alumni shared with the participants how the SAIF program has facilitated them reaching new heights in life and transforming career in China.

4月23日下午,高金FMBA项目说明会-对话高金国际生校友活动在线上成功举办。本次活动由FMBA招办黄老师主持,两位国际生校友LvS Partners董事总经理Nick Laursen先生和复星创富副总监Matthias Keschka先生参加了本次活动,与多名来自海外的申请者进行了深度交流,分享了他们在高金学习过程中收获的成长与提升。
“Who is SAIF?” “Why SAIF?” and “What can SAIF offer?” Dorothy kicked off the event by informing the participants with the historical background, faculty, academic research and international collaboration of SAIF.


Founded in 2009, SAIF's mission is to become a world-class institution of research and advanced learning in finance and management, as part of the effort to fulfill the national strategy of building Shanghai into an international financial centre. The world-renowned faculty of SAIF have in-depth academic research expertise, with more than two thirds of them received tenure at leading universities before joining SAIF, and their contribution to implement the best curriculum system to our students is one of the significant advantages that distinguish SAIF from other institutes. SAIF built cooperation with world leading universities to offer various kinds of international programs, among which 40+ international partners are MIT, Stanford, and the Wharton School.

高金成立于2009年,是上海市人民政府为实现将上海建设成为国际金融中心的国家战略、满足上海乃至全国金融业发展并与国际接轨的迫切需要,依托上海交通大学而创建的一所按照国际一流商学院模式办学的新一代国际化金融学院。高金成功汇聚起一支金融领域“国际一流、亚洲领先、国内第一”的师资队伍,其中超过70%的成员在加入高金之前就已获得欧美一流商学院终身教职。强大的金融学术研究实力和知识原创能力是高金区别于其他院校的显著优势之一,在课程设置和教学方法上,高金强调专业视角,理论与实践并重,本土与国际交融,目前已与MIT、斯坦福、 沃顿等40余所国外院校开展交流合作。

Dorothy then introduced the Finance MBA program of SAIF. Being the first of its kind in China, the Finance MBA program aims to cultivate industry leaders well versed in modern financial knowledge. It is committed to developing financial talent with local impact and global competitiveness, as well as entrepreneurs and professional managers with industry knowhow, financial thinking and innovative spirit in the new context of finance.


When it comes to the curriculum design, SAIF’s Finance MBA adopts a “Finance+” fusion model based on the finance curriculum of top business schools such as MIT Sloan and the Wharton School, while taking into account the economic and financial realities in China. The Program offers over 90 courses ranging from the basics and specialties of finance, to general management. There are 51 finance and industry-related courses, 22 business management courses and 15 practicals. On top of that, SAIF provides optional courses focusing on cutting-edge industries, such as big data marketing, Fintech & Tech-Fin, Sci-tech innovation enterprise, supply chain, energy finance, the clean energy market, and real estate finance, etc.


Students of SAIF can start with a crafted pre-studying plan to be fully prepared for their learning journey since June. Dorothy highlighted a novel module – Leadership Qualities at Gobi Desert Challenge. That wonderful trip to the desert always works in icebreaking, inspiration, and bringing everyone together.

Following the info-session, SAIF two international alumni shared their own experience of what they have learned at SAIF and career development after graduation.


Mr. Nick Laursen is a Danish national. 10+ years ago, he bought a one-way ticket and flew into China for a SAIF-Copenhagen Business School exchange program. As he told the participants, SAIF faculty is the best out of five schools that he has studied at. Especially the PE/VC course of SAIF, to him as a continuous learner, is phenomenal. And the inspiration that he got from the professor was exactly what made him stay in China.

Nick Laursen校友来自丹麦,十多年前,在高金与哥本哈根商学院的交换项目中,他买了一张单程票来到了中国。Nick一直保持着学习的习惯,包括高金在内,一共在五所不同的学校学习过,而高金的教授团队是他认为最为优秀的。其中,PE/VC课程和教授对他的启发和影响尤为深远,也是促成他选择留在中国发展的主要原因。
In 2019, Nick co-founded with his business partner a PE firm. They focus on investing in innovative tech-companies in the areas like renewable energy, digitalization and biotech. Working in China for over a decade, their practical expertise has been building the success expansion of those companies into China, and has experience from 17 cross-border projects (ongoing and completed). The firm is now managing EUR fund and USD fund, while RMB fund is also on the way.


Mr. Matthias Keschka is a German national and has worked in Germany, the US, India and China. When he came to China he compared all of the top business schools and applied for the Master of Finance program at SAIF. He was largely impressed and inspired by the whole learning journey. The fact that SAIF always encourages the students to take on challenges resonates with him the most. Together with four SAIF class mates, he took part in the 2015 Hult Prize and won the Asia Pacific Regional Championships, making SAIF the first Chinese champion b-school in this category, being invited to meet the former president of the United States and present in front of more than 300 renowned business leaders in New York. As a student Matthias was also the first writing a thesis about impact investing in China, earning tremendous support and coaching from the professors.

Matthias Keschkal校友来自德国,他拥有在包括德国、美国、印度、中国等多个国家、地区工作的经历。来到中国后,在对比了所有头部商学院后,他选择申请高金MF项目。SAIF的学习经历于他而言是一段令人印象深刻的启发之旅,让他最有共鸣的是高金非常鼓励学生去做有挑战性的事情,比如他曾和同学组队代表高金参加“霍特奖”,斩获2015年度亚太区冠军,帮助母校成为首个在该奖项上获胜的中国本土商学院;他也受邀去往纽约会见美国前总统,并在超过300位著名商业领袖面前进行演讲展示。Matthias也是第一位在中国影响力投资领域发表论文研究的学生,在此过程中得到了教授们的巨大鼓励和帮助。
Since there is a 70% overlap of courses between the MF and MBA programs, Matthias is no stranger to the MBA events. As part of the MBA team, he has joined the Asian Business School Desert Challenge three times winning two times as a team and two times as an individual. He was part of the team who set up the SAIF rowing club which is run by highly motivated EMBA & MBA alumni, representing SAIF in international competitions against Harvard, Cambridge and Oxford. Upon graduation, a professor recommended him to Mr. Xinjun LIANG, the CEO of Fosun International at that time and one of the SAIF GES alumni. Matthias then joined Fosun as the assistant to the CIO. In this position, he dealt with a vast number of local and overseas investment projects of Fosun, including the investment into the largest Indian 3rd party logistics provider Delhivery, the acquisition of the German leading manufacturing system solution provider FFT, a JV with a Malaysian semi-conductor company, and the establishment of an automation and digital solution provider for the Chinese rice wine industry. Currently he is working at the private equity investment management team of the group, Fosun Capital, as the Associate Director being in China and investing globally.

高金MF项目约70%的课程与MBA项目重合,因此在就读期间Matthias也参与了高金MBA项目的诸多活动。比如,他曾三次作为MBA团队的一员,代表高金出征亚洲商学院沙漠挑战赛,并两次斩获团队冠军,两次勇夺个人冠军;比如,他与来自高金EMBA项目和MBA项目的多位校友一起组建高金赛艇俱乐部,并在国际赛事中迎战哈佛、剑桥、牛津等院校队伍。在即将毕业时,在教授的推荐下,Matthias认识了高金GES校友,时任复星集团CEO的梁信军,并在之后加入了星集团担任首席投资官助理。他参与了复星众多本土和国际投资项目,包括投资印度最大的电子商务物流公司 Delhivery,收购德国领先的生产系统解决方案提供商 FFT,马来西亚某材料公司在中国的合资项目,一家为黄酒产业提供自动化与数字解决方案提供商的建立等。目前他担任复星创富(复星集团的股权投资管理公司)的副总监,立足中国,投资全球。
The last part of the online event was a dialogue and both alumni representatives responded to the questions from the participants. 


Q: What made you choose SAIF? 


Nick:When I got the chance for exchange, I evaluated Shanghai, Hong Kong and Singapore, as they are the three financially more developed cities in Asia. To me China is the center of Asia, Shanghai is the economic center of China and SAIF is the best financial institute of Shanghai. So it was only natural to choose SAIF.


Matthias:First of all I was looking at many different master programs in many countries. And I looked at different options of schools in the mainland. I believe that SAIF had the best faculty and with a truly global vision which is the reason why I choose SAIF.


Q: How did the SAIF program boost your career development?


Nick:The professor of PE/VC course used to be one of the founders of Apollo Global Management Asia. I benefited from him not only the knowledge in class, more importantly, his network that helped me start a new career in China.


Matthias:SAIF often invites professionals to have in-depth sharing with the students. I find that very useful for the current equity investment job that I have. Besides this, the school always encourages communication and collaboration across projects. In my case, I got to make a lot of Chinese friends through different events like the Asian Business School Desert Challenge, the rowing club and the competitions we took part in. This really helped me to blend in, network and learn.


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