专题活动 - 专题活动 - 上海交大上海高级金融学院

上海交通大学上海高级金融学院2016年开学典礼于9月17日举行,MF项目程若愚、MBA项目的徐国樑、李楠, PhD/MS-PhD项目张兆成分别代表305位新生发言,他们都讲了些什么?对未来的高金生活及金融梦想又有哪些热切期待?





我想先和大家分享我人生经历的一个小故事。我十五岁的时候学习偏科,英语总是不及格,我妈妈给我请了一位英语家教,但是成绩没有什么提高,我和老师说还不如把这些时间放在我比较擅长的科目上,这样总分还能提上去。可是这位老师说,“你这门学的不好,就更应该加把劲,人生能有几回搏?!” 我当时听了没有任何感觉,但是日后,这成为对我人生影响最重要的一番话。





















SAIF provides us the most talented and experienced faculty who are always willing to share their expertise and vision on the industry; the most generous and caring staff who want to help us grow and see us succeed; and most importantly, SAIF provides you, my classmates. You were the reason why I was nervous before and you are also the reason why I am excited right now. These past two weeks at SAIF has made me realize how important it is to surround ourselves with people that reflect who we want to become; people with talents, dreams and passions;people who are better than us so we can become better ourselves. We are here not to compete, but to collaborate and learn from one another, and just because all of you are among the brightest and the most diligent of our peers, I am sure there is something that I can learn from each one of you. I think we might have all feel anxious or lost at some point, but I also think that we will all enjoy this new beginning together.

One of my very favorite quotes was by John F. Kennedy. “We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the otherthings, not because they are easy, but because they are hard.” Among the top Master of Finance programs in China, this one at SAIF is definitely rigorous and challenging, but we chose SAIF. We chose SAIF not because we thought it was easy, but because it’s hard. We chose SAIF because we are motivated and confident individuals who thrive under challenges and are not afraid of failures. We chose SAIF because we are aware of and open to diversity and want to study in an international environment that will help us build a global mindset and work without boundaries. We chose SAIF because we know it’s a place that values social responsibilities and we want to make a positive impact on development, share the task of improving this world, and use our knowledge in finance to help perfect the balance between economic development and social well being. I hope we all keep these in mind through out our time at SAIF, and when we take a step into the real world after two years.



To my personal understanding, there are at least in the following three aspects that we should improve ourselves in the following years at SAIF.

First and foremost, the basic enhancement we could gain from SAIF is the financial and managerial expertise. We need to obtain a deeper understanding of finance and management theories, develop advanced managerial skills, and most importantly, apply them appropriately and innovatively to both identify and solve business problems. Nowadays the conception of Big Data has gradually penetrated each field of study, especially business studies, which results in higher requirements of data cleaning, data processing and programing. We are supposed to be proficient in advanced quantitative and empirical methods and develop a fluency in financial data sources and analysis tools.

Furthermore, it is necessary for us to attain a current and functional knowledge of the business environment in China, including relevant best practices, and gain effective experience in the application of a global knowledge base to Chinese business. SAIF is committed to developing top talent and cutting edge knowledge, with a focus on Chinese markets and their global connections. As SAIFers, we will have the access to the world class teaching resources, and we should never forget to make full use of them with the practical and theoretical facts in the Chinese market, which is young but fast developing and full of treasures hidden to be discovered.

Besides the mastery of financial tools, it is of great importance that we develop critical thinking and effective communication skills. Critical thinking is not 'hard' thinking nor is it directed at solving problem, it is inward directed with the intent of maximizing the rationality of the thinker. We do not use critical thinking to solve problems, we use it to improve our process of thinking, which I believe is a key element for PhD students. Then, to explain our ideas clearly to others, we need the effective communication skills. Effective communication is accurately transmitting the symbolic concepts in your brain to the brain of another person or persons. Communication is called “effective” only if other persons could well receive and interpret the ideas as you intended. As business students, we are always involved in all kinds of communications, so developing effective communication skills will help to lead an easier life.

To end up my speech, I’d like to quote Emerson’s words, “No one can cheat you out of ultimate success but yourselves”. Please always keep in mind why you came to SAIF, and may all of us achieve our goals with SAIF!